A New Season

Shalom means hello, goodbye, and peace.
Many of you know that almost twenty-two years ago we said goodbye to our home, family, and friends in New York in response to God’s leading to move to Virginia. Less than a year ago we sensed that same call to another destination.
If you asked me even a year ago if I would ever move from the Shenandoah Valley, I would have said,
“No, my next move will be up.”
Instead, it was down—south to Florida, that is.
As is my pattern I slowly began to understand why. The first reason is that our four youngest grandchildren live here. It’s not just that we love them and miss them as we do all of our grandchildren and children, but also because of a sense of duty. The world has gotten too complicated for children to navigate. Whenever I think of them, my heart does conflicting things. First, it fills with joy and gratitude but then, I get angry.
That may sound strange, but it is righteous anger that we have in common as Believers. There is a spirit at work in the world today to make life so confusing, that children must struggle to understand what is true. Jesus is already in the fairy tale category in too many circles. There are so many factors that prohibit healthy development even in believing households. As the patriarch of our family, along with my wife, we feel compelled to enter the battle on their turf for their future. It is not just for our own, we all need to enter this battle for children everywhere.
It is time we see our place in the Body of Believers as family. During this past year of a pandemic–that doesn’t deserve to be named–the enemy has wreaked havoc in far too many homes. The magnitude of departure from Jesus’ command to love one another has become widespread and painful.
By God’s mercy, many Christians have taken the time for self-examination and experienced cleansing and renewal. For others there remains strife and bitterness. We owe the world a genuine representation of the love that Jesus purchased, and we owe it to each other.
Somehow I believe Comfort My People is a catalyst to nurture a healing environment. That is the other reason for our move.
CMP was conceived in Virginia and will soon begin to take root in Florida soil. Our expectation is this is where healthy growth and development will occur and much fruit will be produced for the glory of God and the health of the nations.
We have not fled to Florida, nor are we retiring. We departed with a sense of sorrow. That is due to the deep fellowship and meaningful relationships that God has made possible in the process of seeing the development of CMP. It has been our privilege to live and serve with loving and generous brothers and sisters in the Valley and beyond through ANM. May those relationships continue to grow and bear much fruit for the Kingdom.
Meanwhile please pray for Comfort My People and those we serve in Israel. We are in the final stage of sending a container to Israel for our partner’s needs and humanitarian help. Israel has suffered greatly from Covid economically and socially. They had three strict lockdowns, causing high unemployment and emotional damage. As everywhere children are most at risk. Our partners continue to serve faithfully with determination to bring hope to their neighbors and make Yeshua known like never before.
Thank you all for your prayers and support to make the impossible possible. Be on the watch for my book called Inappropriate. It is in the final editing stage. I believe it is an important and timely message for the church. Please pray for the right publisher to arise.
I also invite you to prayerfully consider coming to Israel with me in October for our long-awaited Israeli Advocacy Tour. We only take 22 people because of the unique nature of our journey. It will make a meaningful difference in your life.
Let us know how we can pray for you. Please keep in touch
You matter.
Shalom–not hello, not goodbye—just shalom!

The photos are of my shop, once functioning at full throttle. On the doorpost is the symbol I carved which the Jesus People used to greet each other. No matter where we go—there remains only One Way.
The other photo speaks for itself!
Below is a link for my last message at Greenmont Fellowship VA