Something is wrong – Abort

Oria is 47 years old, she is a Jewish religious woman originally from South America. Her and her husband emigrated to Israel nearly three years ago. Together they have two older daughters aged 20 and 17.

In the past, Oria and her husband decided they didn’t want to have any more children and Oria went through a procedure of tying her Fallopian tubes. When they came to Israel they suddenly had a strong desire to have another child. They then went through many medical procedures and were told that it would cost them about 30,000 NIS (8,656 $) to be able to get pregnant. Miraculously there was a family who were willing to give them this amount of money and they signed up for IVF treatment and miraculously it worked the first time. During the 6th month of her pregnancy the doctors said they were problems with the baby’s intestines and they were also suspecting that the baby had downs syndrome.

This whole situation put a lot of pressure on their marriage, and they almost got divorced. They were also seriously considering having an abortion. After consulting with a different doctor Oria realized that the chances of the baby having this condition was not so high and she decided to keep the baby.

Oria then went to see a nurse who happened to be a believer. She then referred Oria to Be’ad Chaim and we were very happy indeed to support her. It was then through your very generous sponsorship she was able to become part of The Operation Moses Project. This provided her with new furniture for her baby and also monthly vouchers for a whole year to buy other essentials that her baby would need.

On the 1st July 2019 Oria gave birth to a sweet and healthy little girl, they named her Dana (Meaning- My heart’s glory). It was a natural birth and everything went well.

Emigrating to Israel was a great challenge, especially for Oria’s husband. Unfortunately he has really struggled to find a good job and to integrate into the new society. After the birth Oria’s husband had a crisis and he ran away back to his home country of South America. Oria loves her husband and wanted to support him during this very hard time of depression. She took little Dana with her and flew all the way there to find him and bring him back to Israel. During this whole time we have been praying for them.
Please pray for Oria’s husband. He has returned to Israel but is still not fully well. He has now found a job at a cemetery, which is not the best place for him at the moment. Please pray for him to find a different job and for the Lord to give him true hope and joy and help him to find good and supporting friends.

Before the birth Oria used to work as a cleaner but now she has found a good job as an assistant at a daycare. Beautiful Dana started going to daycare a few weeks ago.

Oria is so deeply grateful for all the support she has received during this very challenging time. She said, “Thank you so much for everything. God sent us Libi with everything! She is not lacking a thing. She is a true miracle from heaven, healthy and sweet. I am praying for Be’ad Chaim and my donors for the Lord to bless you and your families”.

Thank you so very much for your kind and generous support and for your continued prayers for Oria and her family.

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