Tag Archive: hope for the future

Two Stories ~ One Solution

“The Son is the radiance of God’s glory and the exact representation of his being, sustaining all things by his powerful word.” — Hebrews 1:3 Not long ago, I was in Home Depot getting wood to fix our chicken coop, even though it was only a couple of years old. Initially, I intended to build… View Article

Dear Church…

Shalom Mishpacha,One of the difficult aspects of studying the Bible is to keep in mind that it is one book. When Paul wrote that all scripture was profitable, the only portion available was the Hebrew Bible, which Christians named the Old Testament. Sadly “old” has connotations to it, like “old shoes” and ”old folks.” It has something… View Article

Have We Been Left With No Solution?

Many folks are still concerned about what is going on in Israel–how and when will it end–and who is the bad guy? On the other hand, far more people have lost interest and have enough to be concerned about. Besides, Israel is just another country, so why all the attention? Since you have read this… View Article