Tag Archive: Israeli believers in action

Dear Church…

Shalom Mishpacha,One of the difficult aspects of studying the Bible is to keep in mind that it is one book. When Paul wrote that all scripture was profitable, the only portion available was the Hebrew Bible, which Christians named the Old Testament. Sadly “old” has connotations to it, like “old shoes” and ”old folks.” It has something… View Article

Have We Been Left With No Solution?

Many folks are still concerned about what is going on in Israel–how and when will it end–and who is the bad guy? On the other hand, far more people have lost interest and have enough to be concerned about. Besides, Israel is just another country, so why all the attention? Since you have read this… View Article

Irrational Hatred~Israel at War

“Come, let us wipe them out as a nation; let the name of Israel be remembered no more!” Psalm 83:4 How would you feel if you woke up to a call from your former commanding officer, ordering you to report to duty after completing six years of service in high-level Air Force intelligence? How would… View Article


Purim for Christians? Chag Purim Sameach! or Happy Purim! There remains untapped significance of Purim for both Christians and Jews. Its origin is in Persia, which is now modern day Iran. Purim means “lots” and was a method of choosing by elimination. That is how Haman and his cohorts chose a certain day to begin… View Article

Mourning to Dancing

Hope in Yeshua Will never Fail Banchi is one of the Beta Israel single mothers living in Jerusalem. She made Aliyah from Ethiopia with her seven children. A team of social workers was able to send three of her children to boarding school, but even with that help, it was challenging to raise them. Multitudes… View Article